I understand that my employment with Consortium staffing solutions starts only on my first day of work assignment and ends on the last day of that assignment. When an assignment is found for me, Consortium staffing will contact me and make an offer of employment. The term of employment will be agreed upon and may be extended. Once an assignment is agreed upon, I am an employee of Consortium staffing solutions. and not of the client for whom I am assigned to work. As a result, I am not entitled to benefit plans or other entitlements that an employee of the client may have. If I wish to resign prior to the agreed-upon end date, I must provide at least one week's notice to Consortium staffing. Consortium staffing solutions may terminate my employment without cause at any time. Severance pay shall be in accordance with current employment legislation.

I agree to allow Consortium staffing to contact my references and for those references to share pertinent information with Consortium staffing. Consortium staffing may share information from interviews, resumes, tests and training with its clients or prospective clients. Consortium staffing will provide an estimated duration of the work assignment but cannot guarantee its duration; the assignment may be longer or shorter as dictated by the needs of the client.

During your employment with any of our clients, you may have access to confidential information, trade secrets, know-how, financial records, data, plans, strategies, processes, business opportunities and/or ideas relating to the business and financial affairs of our clients. During the term of your employment with the client and at all times thereafter, you will not, without prior written authorization from the client: (i) reveal, disclose or make known any such Confidential information to any person; (ii) use the confidential information for any purpose. Should this confidential information be disclosed to anyone other than the client, or result in the impudent or goodwill of the client, you shall be terminated and may result in other legal action being taken against you.

I am responsible for notifying Consortium staffing of my availability for work every week. Failure to notify Consortium staffing will result in my being counted as unavailable for that week. Declining three consecutive assignments, or not reporting to an agreed assignment on a single occasion without notice, is cause for termination and forfeiture of severance pay. I will provide Consortium staffing with my current, functioning telephone number. If I am unreachable, I will be considered unavailable for work. I will notify Consortium staffing of preferences or limitations I may have with regards to work. Consortium staffing will take these into account when assigning employment but must have advance notice of these preferences or limitations. I will ensure I have or will purchase as necessary, equipment, appropriate clothing, protective gear, criminal record check or a driver's abstract, as required for the work assignment. At the conclusion of an assignment, I will ensure I have returned all the equipment and materials to the client.

I must, with accuracy and timeliness, report my hours of work. A failure to clock in or out may result in unpaid hours.