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Common Hazards in a Workplace.

Did you know that more than half of workplace accidents involving young and  new workers occur during their first six months on the job? Effective orientation and training are the best way to prevent accidents from  happening. Employers are responsible for ensuring that their workers are prepared for the job before  they start working. The training must be specific to the workplace and should     be ongoing. Even an experienced worker will require a new orientation if circumstances change or new hazards develop. For example, there may be a new work process or new equipment, or the worker may be moved to a new   work location or assigned to a different task. It is management’s responsibility    to ensure that everyone is trained to follow safe work procedures.

Occupational safety can help on many levels to keep things running well, from  the full-time safety professional on site to the purchased, or online,self  completed program to cover the needed regulatory standards.

The goals of food service safety are the same as those for any other occupational safety is one of the biggest issue and it is completely the responsibility of the mangers and the business owners to make sure that their employees are working in safe environment or not. The management should make sure that they keep on motivating and boosting the employees to make them active in the working process.

There should be an appropriate discussions done about the work and the culture of the office on regular intervals, so that the management remain aware that how they simplify the things for the employee’s comfort. Also, to motivate the workers, management should provide rewards as an appreciation towards their work.Thus, these only steps will make your workplace very secure and safe for the employees to work.